It’s All Over Ski Brule — Before and After the Break
Before the break the skiing was not the greatest but it was not all that bad either. I hit a top speed in the upper 30s (38mph) down Whitewater and was generally having a good time especially on Otterslide. I then went in for a break that probably lasted an hour or so and when I came back out the snow became very grabby, very much stop-go-stop-go-stop-go and gave my toes a very good workout (no doubt the break affected my balance but not like that!) and it was a struggle. I took in a number of runs despite that and found some spots of good snow but they were hiding on the edges of runs and again would eventually give way to stop-snow.
I took maybe another five runs and skied down Big Bear and with a heavy sigh retreated into the lodge to call it a year. At this time the air temperatures were in the 50s maybe even in the 60s. I was considering bringing one of my bicycles and related gear, but I decided against that and wish I had. I unkitted hung out some more and snapped some photos and turned my back to Ski Brule for the 2014/2015 ski season.
Its All Over Ski Brule — Not Open for Long
I can not see them being open past next week, I suspect their free day of closing will be sometime this week. Temperatures will be in the 60s this week all around.
Its All Over Ski Brule — Go Strike Another Match Go Start Anew
Now that ski season is done, I can focus on my bicycling and I will be spending more time on this and other websites.
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