Do you Tune in When Skiing?

What is your attitude on listening to music when skiing?

My previous posts on the matter sum up the attitude I have on the notion. I generally like to wear my MP3 player when skiing. However, the last time I went skiing I left it at the cabin because I did not want to fuss with it on a cold day, figured removing my gloves from time to time to fiddle and fuss with the player was not going to be a great idea.

Also, I do like to talk with the person I am riding the chair up with, especially if they are strangers. This means unless they have a strong voice I have to fiddle to hear them and there are solutions to this problem but I am not in the mind to implement those solutions (all involve purchasing equipment).

However, the ear buds I have now are much better suited to being worn by active person. They are made from all plastic (the ones in the pictures are a plastic coated wire but are much less moldable than what one would hope) and are not moldable, but they hold in place real well, especially when I am wearing a cap over the top of it all.

No doubt, there will be times and situations where the music I am listening too is too soft and there is always the case where I am completely focused on skiing and will not hear any music at nearly any volume. I remember back to my high-school wrestling days, when I was on the mat I could not hear the crowd unless they were shouting my name.

Do you listen to music when skiing and if so what kind do you like to listen to while skiing?

Good Stuff!

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